HABARI NJEMA! Equity Bank Mtwapa to operate till 10pm!

Yes we love Mtwapa, that town on the edge of Kilifi County….. Reasons, kila mtu na yake.

Quiet a lot of cash is made in the night at Mtwapa, and most of it is stashed under pillows and in some cases inside those swanky bras….

A Club in Mtwapa.

Well that is set to change after the James Macharia led bank announced a raft of changes in its various branches. Equity Bank’s Mtwapa Branch in Mombasa will now extend its banking hours as of 24th October, 2016. The extended banking hours from Monday to Friday will be 8.00am-10.00pm and Saturday from 8.00am-4.00pm.


 With the recent rate capping by the Central Bank of Kenya, banks are working extra hard to retain and attract customers. More often than not, customers’ schedules can be so tight that banking needs are at the bottom of their to-do list.

 These extended hours will make banking more convenient, thus complimenting the bank’s self-service channels, especially their mobile banking through Equitel, which can be accessed 24hours a day, anywhere, anytime.

Sasa expect those bras to be a lot less bulky in size….as the cash literally, goes straight to the bank…


  1. Thanks for the update Mombasa 411.Niulize, who is the author of Mombasa 411?





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