What’s Going On @ Maseno University?

Recently a bunch of students at Maseno University had a meeting whose agenda, it is alleged, was to further their same sex relationships.

Sources at the meeting alerted Mombasa411 that the students belonged to a secret gay grouping at Maseno Uni and, well,  judge for yourself from the following EXCLUSIVE pics from the meeting.

Sasa Dem Ni Nani Kati Ya Hawa Wasee!!? Kwani Madem Maseno Wameisha!!!
Come Here Darling.....Am Ashamed to be a Man!!!!

Kwani Madem Maseno Wameisha!!!



  1. i bliv everythng is done with the doers conscience.so if gays are feeling good in gayism,gve them the go ahead bt personnaly i dont thnk whether it is a wise think.


  2. kwenda ninyi try something new why cheat?,these illetrate copy monkers r trying to b creative, how comes these gays r confeying themselves ,then who r they?.find them somwhere else not Maseno.


  3. really, these idiots r trying to copy pest muliro Garden into Sacret Maseno, then who are these?we can’t recognize these duds


  4. stupid!, these r not our hostels,we offer love to our men n we hpe they’r satisfied.how is it there are such chairs n prestigious accomodations?


  5. If you think gayism is a natural and human behaviour then go and confirm it from your momma and daddy.Please let us try n get the fuck outta them.


  6. hey,…i am a dude,and am in-to girlz…..does that make me a lesbian???….#comic relief…..nway i hate al gay-men wid a passion,but i love al’ lesbians….


  7. Who are yal to judge this pple ….. they r happy leave em alone nd let God do the judging ….. Gay, staraght, bi it dont matter as long as yur happy!!! Kenya bado mko nyuma if yall still shocked by pple being gay nd ati being embaraased of being in the same school wit em ….. SHAME SHAME ON YOU FOR EVEN DARING TO JUDGE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. I’m a European man who spent some time in Maseno earlier this year. I must say I am shocked! Not because people are gay, because you know what, they are! Everywhere! About ten percent, actually. At some places this is seen like a perfectly normal thing, like in my home country. At other places, apparently Maseno is one of those, people somehow can’t accept it. I’m not even sure what bothers me most: the fact that you apparently feel that love is something wrong or the fact that these students now will be a target for your hatred.

    I’m neither a Christian nor a Muslim myself, I consider myself an atheist. Nevertheless, where in the bible or in the Koran can you read that you are suppose to hate people for being themselves? Especially since you are in higher education, I find it terrifying, yes terrifying, that you’re demonizing them, making them not human. They probably are just as in to football like you are. They are interested in politics and you can talk to them about anything like any other human being! They are now evil for loving someone who is slightly outside the “normal”.

    Those of you who say they are “pleasing the devil”. I’d say you’re pleasing the devil by hating! Being a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, yeah even an atheist, simply being a human is about loving once next. As long as they are not involved in anything that hurt you or anyone else (which homosexual activities don’t!) they should be free to follow their heart and choose their own lifestyle. Hate is not the path to development, acceptance is. For generations white people saw themselves as superior to black. This was, in retrospect, bullshit! Many of you Kenyans have a similar view on homosexuality. This is an equal amount of bullshit!

    I’d advice you all to read Amartya Sen. His views on freedom as development is pure genius and would definitely cover homosexuality as a freedom. If you want to “catch up” in development, you have to accept that people are different. And that that is very much ok! I’m ashamed of you!


  9. @trymebitch.u are getting angry 4 nuthng.cant u see u tht pple are playing their music and u r the only goat dancing to the rhythm?


  10. lol…look at them squirm…ladies beware allot of these so called macho homophobe boyfriends of yours are on the down low a.k.a closeted gays/ bisexuals…trust me! even the buffest hardore ones…leave hate alone and worry about yourself and your partner… ones sexual preference should be the least of your worries…only God can judge men not you !


  11. You know some things are stupid.1-Somebody saying wild animals arent gay is pretty dumb.A simple site like youtube will show you many gay animals if you care to know.

    Another thing is whats wrong with these gay people who keep complaining about how unfair kenyans are to them?????What do they want? Just be as miserable as any other kenyan on the streets.!You dont need to let anyone know ur gay,how many times do you hear straight ppl shoutin ati they straight???Am a closet gay(yes i really love boys) and i like it that way.Coz no one gives a fig bout ma sexuality. So the rights you demand for are actually what pisses ppl of.
    Jus get laid in the happy innocence of ur backyard and give kenyans a break they have more problems to worry about.


  12. Quit hating on them. they have a right to do what they want. But if you insist on them stopping them from being gay, there was one incident where a group of students came together and publicly protested by having a hunger strike. It took three weeks for the last student opposing Gays to fall.

    They all died. And there was no more opposition.

    In short. GO HANG if you think your life’s more important than theirs and your choices are right and theirs are wrong. Call yourselves educated and learned individuals? freakin idiotic morons with one brain cell is what you are opposing someone else’s choices.

    Maybe i should come to your house, sit on your chair and demand food from you. And then sleep on your bed and slap you silly when you try and get in bed.

    Retarded mentally challenged idiots. Grow a brain you Morons.

    Leave them alone whoever they are and get yourselves lives.


  13. Well…looks like Kenyan universities are in their own league in ‘human’ rights and liberal direction. Not very fine with me…I don’t approve of homosexuality at all. While don’t dont approve gaysim, i don’t feel the urge to threaten,demean or dehumanize people of that orientation. As long is it consensual, I will leave thing to do with punishment for right and wrong to God, at his time of choosing to render judgement on all of us, not just Gays.

    I thing that remain unexplained is the Mechanism of Sexual Attraction. what makes 1 man desire a given woman and feel completely Zero for another one. What makes someone thing one person is beautiful and another not? Jacob didn’t think Leah was pretty…he felt cheated off. The Sexual Attraction Mechanism is in play on Jacod…if we can understand it and then prove that by following it…people can only be attracted to members of the opposite sex….then we can argue on the invalidity of homosexuality completely.

    However, A point I would disagree with Gay people is the right to adopt children and access to surrogate motherhood or fatherhood. The fact the gay people, esp cannot bring forth children in their union without help from a rented womb or sperm donation indicates its less than an ideal situation. And for this reason, I don’t think they should rights to child adoption. let children be brought up in heterosexual sexual unions or single parent households.

    Quoting the Bible to castigate gaysim can be a tricky affair. It relys mainly on taking the Bible without questioning or evaluating it at all. According to the bible Adam had many children with eve…other wives too, .The implication is that…without further acts of creating….that he married some of his daughters. His sons and daughters must have intermarried among themselves too. Incest is categorical denounced in the Bible.

    If you look at the story of eve…child birth is given to her as a punishment for listening to the serpent….and subsequently all women are damned to the pain of childbirth as a punishment for the failing of Eve….in our world…its unfair for you to punish people for other peoples mistakes.

    If you consider the story of Egypt and the fleeing of the Israelites, the bible I read said that the LORD would harden the heart of the Pharaoh, so he would not let the Jews go so that the could incur his wrath and subsequently a plague. This is confusing to me because…If HE was hardening the heart of the Pharaoh…then the Pharaoh had no choice in the Matter and he should not be punished. I could to the bibles version of the Origin of Black People and the issue of slavery…which is quite prominent in the Old Testament… etc etc. There is also the small issue of the Sons of God admiring and marrying the daughter of men somewhere in there..its disturbing because , I thought human Being are the Only sexual entities in the universe according to the bible. If sons of god are sexual beings too….that’s confusing….sex its the greatest weakness for the human race both in Good and bad ways..My expectation is that supernatural entities should be beyond the reach and the power of Sex.

    I am not saying the Bible is Wrong , or that God is Wrong or that he does not exist or that we should not live in accordance to his will. Far from it, we should strive to live to his expectation….. There is quite alot we cannot understand about God….a mainly due to our very limited intelligence and knowledge compared to him.. and also God is not a democrat …its not about negotiations with him. We cannot understand the way he evaluates and executes his judgments…lets not do that for him on other human beings. Reasonable critical commenting on peoples lifestyles using the Bible or Koran or whatever is acceptable…but don’t use it to deny people their humanness or to invite violence or social disadvantage on them.


  14. They should have been there during the times of kina Kizzy Dagga,O.G baba,Gongi,Kim,Partoh Jino Moja….That was when we were real Hood and we had beautiful women.BEAUTIFUL!!! so dudes,
    Fuck You!!!


  15. No one is born Gay or Lesbian! Its all out of Own making just the same way no one is born a thief. God could then be unfair to destroy Sodom and Gormorrah for something He himself Created. Furthermore, there is no Scientific and Social Evidence that Gays are born Gay and Lesbians Lesbian.


    1. What was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for? If you contextualize, it was not destroyed because of homosexuality. The sin of Sodom was that the people were inhospitable. The fact that the men demanded to sleep with the Angels didn’t mean they were gay. Today we have people who punish other men by raping them yet they are heterosexual. If the scenario was that the Angels were women then will it still stand that they didn’t commit a crime.The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah had a history. Read your bible well.


  16. What have gay people done to straight people to make them so homophobic? The answer is nothing, Some straight personas are suffering from the worst disease that is called homophobic tendency…You will be suprised that their names will be called to hell while those they condemn gay will go to heaven… ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’. You will be very suprised how many times the bible was translated and the meanings or wordings changed….you will be very suprised how many books were not included in the bible,,…and if you read many verses in the bible you will discover how much selective application is applied today… I speak twant to speak to someone today, go and ready Genesis 19 and contextualise it as opposed to applying it literally and you will understand what am talking about.


  17. I’m curious, which one of you gay bashers has been hurt by what these people do to themselves? To put it crudely, it’s not your arse so why should you care?


    1. no one has asked you to turn gay Alex ..your fears are suspect ..If you believe in yourself you wont be hoping or reasopning yourself….gay people are never threated by pussies why should it be the other way round


  18. im al gay frm th toe to th hairs on ma head,n very comfortable wit tht lyf,u kna its ma lyf eh!also wit a cute boyfie,al i want is respect 4 al,bt if il hav to hate th betr cz i am here as gay 2 stay,n i blv at one point or anothr avryone flt gay kinda n tats wen they rubbd their dicks n fingerfuckd themselvs,wea later they got th way out,u gat ua gal 2 rub yo dick a gat ma boy 2 rub me wel i fls it best n v versa,WE R HEA 2 STAY.


  19. @ Sambu89, I dont think thats true……whichever way i have no problema with peoples sexuality….what anyone does is their own private ish!!




  21. Does it really matter? Why do you care so much what people you hate are doing behind closed doors. People with such passionate hate are probably closet homos themselves… And if the all powerful God hated gays so much, wouldn’t he have dealt with them himself?


  22. The stigma around the Gay community is meaningless. argue on the religious front but as the gospels say, “let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone”*
    ~live and let live.


  23. This is amazing…and i mean that in an astonished way. I am a Kenyan living in the US and stuff like this is pretty normal. It’s quite amazing to see how publicly courageous Kenyan youth are these days. Dang.!


  24. now all thse who hate gays and bi’s and goes ahead to say that God will punish them who told them that being heterosexual is the gateway to heaven like thah burn dem guy?Even cannibals still exist and we dont mind them as long as they are not havin me as their dinner so should all those homophobes do the same. leave them gay at peace. period


  25. Burn dem….just make a thot of urselve…will u really do that or is it a theoretical chatering?…..wish u put a little of reason that should never ever b dispised by ur emotional egoism….well…I just encourage u….burn, kill, maim….hate…to the same as stated above….May the god u pray….(different from myn anyway and to most of humans) give u that strength….and y do u say ‘we will hunt them’ ?….just get out of the mask of the ‘we’ to an ‘I’….start it dear….
    but there is one thing clearly from all ur writings here….engaging an objective with you is as difficult as milking an elephant……coz u jump to…(GRRRRRR!!!!?>@:{)()(*(&^&%£^) kind of unger….STOP JUST SAYING IT…STOP SAYING WE SHALL BURN THEM…YOU R TOO TOO LATE…..like Judas Iscariot during the last supper…I just say..”Do quickly what you have to do!” only that your kiss cannot b imagined…coz Jesus will also shiver at your cold inhuman kiss…
    To the rest of u guyz imprisoned in this hate, unger and abuses…go to ur little room…kneel b4 ur God different from the hating killer God of Burn dem….pour ur heart out…tell him to see ur good intensions…to make u more moral, human…loving and non-jugdemental….tell him to look at ur intensions as sincere as they are….free ur hearts too from hate…anger…vengeance…etc…just let it Go…ignore the loud and ignorant pple…as desiderata sayz…they are vexation to ur souls…..its only those who understand u and urselves…plus the God..or diety u subscribe to that knows u well
    Just its as simple as thiz…free ur souls…let it be at peace…just be human….LOVE!!


  26. lets be 100% clear! They commit suicide? We don’t care. As long as they dead. One way or the other. We will hunt them down, beat them up, burn them, take their ashes and mix it with acid, take that mixture attach it to a rocket and aim it at the sun.

    Kill them all, let the Devil sort them out. We will repent later


    1. You@ burn dem ..you have cursed yourself and your children and children children. You will be shocked to find out about your own relatives. Be ashamed of being a murderer. Dare be the first to cast a stone if you think you are righteous. You shall not take law into your hands and if you are man enough give us your real name.

      I guess you are a coward and that’s why you are operating behind a mask.


  27. Leave them Gays alone!
    Some are Gay some are not Get over It!
    Whats is wrong when consenting adults xpress their feelings and desire. After all it s private gathering so whomever gave this photos has malicious intentions. It is always difficult accepting what is not common in the society and again its also not easy to live knowing that your feelings are different from the societal expectations. I understand the anger and resentment expressed but the question is for what reason? Non of the persons expressing their anger has been harassed sexually by any gay man.

    If there is any one who has ever been approached by a gay man then they would just say no if they are not into same sex attraction. Guys in the university note that knowledge is not what you learn or the course your taking and the Bible you’ve read.
    There are various research done on homosexuality since 1870 by Psychology associations to a certain the cause of Homosexuality.read wide stop spreading hate messages ignorance is no defense.
    When the Science has not given answer and the Bible is also silence on what can be done to make gay men and women who would wish to go straight. One will say Faith and the other Salvation in the blood of Jesus. Even religious persons Islam and Christians, Hindus ,buddist are Gay. So is the problem having different sexual; orientation or having sex? Mark the difference?
    What the haters need is sensitization.
    Gays are coming out whether you like it or Not , Kill burn ,discriminate! And you are so called righteous.
    whoever believes they are righteous than the gays lift a Finger! What wrong has any of the Gays done to You!

    kayadesa@gmail.com– For LGBTI persons in Nyanza ,western and Rift Valley Contact and comments followup.


  28. Sorrry for the grammatical errors I was a little testy as I was writing the above comments. It was supposed to say:

    Who was it that said “love ur neighbor as u love urself”, or maybe He meant only the neighbors u feel comfortable around… @ Overly pious dipsh*ts and over religious dumbsh*ts its not your place to judge others, only to love them and accept them.

    And yes I get it that’s like the pot calling the kettle black.


  29. Who was that said love ur neighbor as u love urself, or maybe He meant only the neighbors u feel comfortable around… Morally dipsh*ts and over religious dumbsh*ts its not your place to judge others, only to love them and accept them


  30. all these pain, anger, abuse and bloodthirsty guyz……just one thing…..time will tell….u will commit suicide wen u will discover too late that ur bro, siz or best friend is not staright as thought…
    why express such anger to someone who has not asked u, nor come closer to u…etc….
    y do we find that some guyz r attracted to big women, or slim women, or black women…or whites…or tall…or short…etc….and someone feels it from the heart and will never tell y he/she is inclined to such a type of a person?….
    as much as we deny them being natural….many young pple…in a hateful-violent anti-gay societies either commit suicide…or keep on with depression….coz the “holy men and women of God”….thoz God has on his palm…thoz that…whether they steel, rape, corrupt…or anyother vice is as holier as it is compared to gayzm…well…u will never ever understand…and I pray…oh yes I pray it does find u right at ur doorstep…never say u were never told…and pliz…kill that son/daughter/husband or wife of urz….just kill that devil incarnated…do not mind its ur child or loved one…jut insul…and kill….they are such demons…the worst seen n the face of the earth…and when u kneel b4 God…dont mension any of ur sins….just tell him…”God, this child of mine was such a small incarnated devil…I help u remove him from the earth….pathetic fag!!”….well u shall b welcomed to the kingdom of God forever….!!!


  31. In this modern day i wonder why pple just get hype when they are lied to.
    n way am on those photos and
    1 we are not students at that purported university
    2 we are not gay
    3 enjoy the posts coz sometimes its cool to watch pple make fun of themselves


  32. haha apparently having two sons makes people gay! And sodom and gommorah burnt coz the people there were fat, obese and lazy! What next? The north magnet gets attracted to another north magnet!? Scientists discover the gene that makes people homo!? There are people who live in middle earth!? The fag escape routes are closing fast.

    Love your neighbor. Alright. But burn him/her if is a homo. Its your life, yeah, but its our society. We dont need fags in it.


  33. Last time i checked, and y’all bible and koran freaks can back me on this, alla y’all whore’s, so called ‘players’ are all going to hell too… So thats not even in the same neighbourhood as scary…

    Sodom wasn’t burnt down coz of fags, so check yo facts.

    God made adam and eve. Hmmm ok. Adam and eve had 2 sons.. Again hmm ok. Who then got married…hmmm to what i wonder… You figure it out. Coz the way i see it there was no one to get married to! So if you use that as yo basis… YEAH.

    All i’m saying is, dudes, love yo neighbour hehehe boy or girl.


  34. This is shameful and an abomination,may they burn down in hell,if this was the reason why the most high burn sodom and Gomorah why cant they just learn and do that which pleases the Most high.


  35. jeeez my point is that sodom did not burn coz of homosexuality, hizo ni zenu… they burned coz of, soma hio verse hapo juu. u i support na Judges na Jeremiah pia, fala.
    and the animal thing came up coz y’all claimed there aint no gay animals. fala.

    burn dem, where do you live? gay people openly walk the streets of nai. i dare you to come to kimathi street and burn even one. Fala.


  36. ofcourse faggots read just one line from the Bible and try to use the phrase God loves us all irrespective. When you point out Leviticus or Ezekiel, they run to ‘cast the 1st stone’ phrase. When you say homosexuality is unnatural they come back with ‘grown men/women consensual sex or minding own business’ line. When you propose violence and hatered it becomes ‘what if they are ur bro/siz’. Excuses, excuses. You bastards deserve death if not worse!
    Am not mad, and if homos are bonding and having fun, let them walk these African streets and declare it. We burn mere pickpockets, those in Kissii still kill suspected witches… Homos come out and play, trust me, it will be the game of your LIVES!!!


    1. Burn dem you is disgust and I think you are the biggest criminal on earth…..you are not a judge and if you are heterosexual remain that way if you are gay please thats you….Cast your stone go ahead and do that..but you arent any better than a murderer.


  37. EZEKIEL 16: 48-50 clearly outlines why Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. don’t peddle lies please!!
    burn dem, please develop a reading habit. Dolphins are the gayest animals ever.


  38. who are we to judge lets correct with love and the judging part we leave it for God.do not judge coz the meassure u use it will be used too to judge you too watch your toungs people of God.


  39. burn all those fuckers….n yer we hate you so mux tht sm of us wanna cry….burn em b4 they grow….
    BURN DEM al join u on the beer…N JANINA here will b the matchstick….kitu isiwadanganye ati u dare go public…sorry 4 the hate speech buh its the hate speakin


  40. I didn’t give them life BUT a gun, fire, knife and every weapon designed to kill gave me the idea i can take life away. WHAT A DUMB QUESTION.

    We dont NEED to accept them coz God Himself rejected them through the fire HE sent from heaven above.

    Kill them, record, then watch the tapes over a beer!


  41. we need JESUS. there is still hope for all those who are gay and they want to come out of their situation. we cannot condemn gays because all of us are guilty of one sin or the other, but we can come to JESUS and be forgiven and be free from sin. God loves you and doesnt care about how much gay you are, or how many other sins you have committed if you just open your HEART and believe that He can make you clean and have a new life through JESUS. There is hope, before it’s too late……
    If you are gay and feel like you are in some sort of a prison because of your gayism, it’s the devil who has kept you there. do you want to come out, are u wishing you were straight? God has a wonderful plan for your life and wants to reconcile you to Himself. all u have to do is BELIEVE in His Son, JESUS CHRIST and He will set you free.




  43. Phobia means fear. Homophobs are not fearful of homos. WE HATE THEM. Being a homo is a choice. Like opting for tea or coffee. If it was natural then the apes – who we are our closest relatives DNA wise in the animal kingdom – would have a homosexual individual. No other animal since the begining of time, even dolphins and bonobo monkeys which use sex for fun and bonding don’t engage in acts of homosexualism!

    If your arguement is based on ‘born this way’ crap, it should appear in your genes. Therefore you are saying there is a gay gene somewhere that makes people homo. FALSE! If you are black, caucasian, etc its coz of your genes you got from a branch in your family tree.

    Those without sins cast the 1st stone?! Really?
    I mean we can go collect all homosexuals in Africa, take them to the Sahara, we kneel down, ask God for our past sins, get forgiven – thus be without sin – turn our attention to the homos, a lil kerosene here, a tyre there, a matchstick box in pocket… Guess what our new sin will be? God burned Sodom and Gommorah, all those gay and those who did nothing but – as you argue – ‘mind their bussiness’. We won’t burn because of these minority retards!

    I support that Ugandan MP’s idea for death to homosexuals.

    Burn them before they grow!


  44. Maseno University fraternity has been drawn to going ons on Homo-sexuality and would like to state as follows:
    • This is a smear campaign with malice as the main motive
    • The University has been closed since April, 31st, 2011 and is yet to open.
    • These activities cannot be going on in the Campus.


  45. i dont see what the big deal is. thay are living their lives. god forbid anyone to be who they are and be happy. stop the ignorance


  46. Its a shame SIN OR PERVERSENESS Got No Face, No Eyes, ears Body mouth Ears nor Brain! What do we expect from a decayed media and society condoning cracks and vices! We are a torn fabric we need find God where we Left Him! If one of us can equate straight multiple sex with homosexuality esp Gay, its a LOST generation, then these guys still get to bed some ladies again It just stinks to think about it! We lost, so so Lost I tell ya we need find JESUS Otherwise SODOM n GOMORAH is Now glaring @ Us Openly! Also needless to say @ those who did physics&chem what moves from a region of low concentration to a region of High concentration? Well so does sin they had to move where their own are in numbers than where they are in vulnerability so its that sad sin attracts from its stronghold magnet we all know coast to be home for these guys so why do we marvel! Its the end times my heart goes to their families shocked upon such revelation of their children SO LOST!


  47. Maseno University fraternity has been drawn to going ons on Homo-sexuality and would like to state as follows:
    • This is a smear campaign with malice as the main motive
    • The University has been closed since April, 31st, 2011 and is yet to open.
    • These activities cannot be going on in the Campus.


  48. I love the way people ignore all other leviticus verses and carry one on the sleeve…..

    Mshindwe, let God himself judge and destroy as seen fit, all I know is that verse ya love ur neighbour as thine self na ile ya all have sinned and fallen short na ile ya not all who call on my name will go to heaven na ile ya Jesus cried.

    na im Buddhist anyway


  49. Ok guys, hebu stop being haterz. Let them dudes do what they feel is right for them and what they enjoy. Why is it bad when two guys have a sexual relationship, but when two babes are getting it down, then all dudes get excited and say nothing??!!! Its the same thing!! I support Homosexuality to it maximum point, but am straight though;-)


  50. I have also noted that many seems to refer to homosexuality as the same thing as anal sex. Yes, some gay people have anal sex but we are many who do not have anal sex.

    We also know that there are many straight people who have anal sex with their women- so having anal sex does not make one gay nor does being gay means one has anal sex.


  51. This religion argument is immaterial in this case coz we have different beliefs and quoting the bible for someone who reads and believes in the ‘guru grant sahib’ for example is really dumb.

    It also depends on who you refer to as God and what religion one identifies with. So yes, God ( the deity I believe in) does come into the argument and he created me the way I am and that was a gay man. You wouldn’t know if my God wants me to change or not as what I am is unchangeable. Its like saying that because I was born black, God wants me to be Caucasian.

    I did not chose to be..I am! You must understand first that am an agnostic theist and so that is the realm of my engagement with spirituality.

    But maybe , you need to clarify which “God’ you mean for us to be able to engage further


  52. I think some people here need to have a sit down with God himself…how do u say we burn them?do u know how many gay men i know who are married and have kids and still fuck or get fucked in the ass???hw sure r u that your brother,father,mother or any other family member of urs is not Gay or Lesbian???if ur willing to burn other peoples children,i hope ur ready to burn one of your own blood…what makes you think that killing is a lesser sin than being homosexual or lesbian?(if being homosexual is even a sin)..As long as you are not the one being fucked,whats your problem???ama ur just jealous coz u want it in the ass too???or even better,ur jst scared that when given the opportunity you would grab it n be one of them???


  53. @Kin, why should we change whu we are to make you feel comfortable because your’e not gay? Pleease, times are changing in this world and you better get used. If it was a state of mind do you think anyone would be gay admist all the hatred and discrimnation??


  54. anybody who has an opinion about how wrong it is should shove it where the sun dont shine.Let he without sin cast the first stone.Who dide and made anyone the king or queen of morality???what businesss is it of yours who anyone is fucking???people need to learn to mind their own business!!!!


  55. This, in my view is crazy. There is nothing like human rights in this case.
    God wasn’t stupid when He put males and females in the world.
    Let us stop arguing in this way… some things are just unnatural.
    Kenya’s Penal Code sections 61 to 65 is clear on same-sex relations.


  56. Sly n Daph…tel dem…….if yu don want yur ass screwd yur not forced…am a lesbian n proud….i like it wen licked….no dick in me……live yur life and support the dying people……..wat two grown ups do aint yur business….furthermore mtasme na usiku mtalala na sisi tutakulana tu…….wat i do under the blanket is my business and i will be judged not that by God and not yu…pretenders…….everybody is gay.ma p****** is very tight na imezoea vidole si dick……mnataka ndio msambaze ma ukimwi na STDz???poleni sana.


  57. homosexuality is nt as easy as yes or no. It is a whole complex of the human mind. Homophobics are allowed 2 express their opinions and keep away bt should base those opinions on facts. The gay community should knw that displaying such wil disgust many and urge hatred. In this world so few understand the meaning of coexistence u dnt have 2 condone such behaviour u just have 2 b human and let others define their humanity.


  58. Gays and lesboz are here to stay no matter what you say or do. Hahahaaaha! @Jeezz (isn’t it ironic wat names these homophobes give themselves?), first of all, u are the annoying one. Secondly, whu do you suggest to give the surgery, you?? Hahahaaaha! What’s wrong?, you scared a handsome gay boy akikukatia utaingia box?? Why so much anger, If you can’t stand tha heat go throw yourself in the Indian Ocean, otherwise leave people live their lives in peace and stop the hatred.


  59. Gays and lesboz are there no matter what you say or do. Hahahaaaha! @Jeezz (isn’t it ironic wat names these homophobes give themselves?), first of all, u are the annoying one. Secondly, whu do you suggest to give the surgery, you?? Hahahaaaha! What’s wrong?, you scared a handsome gay boy akikukatia utaingia box?? If you can’t stand tha heat go throw yourself in the Indian Ocean, otherwise leave people live their lives in peace and stop the hatred.


  60. This is total madness, its rather 2 be wid a whore than persons of ur same sex….. I wonder what makes them 2 bi attracted 2 each other. Shit, its AWFUL!!


  61. Hey people should stop blaming God for everything they do.Ati God made them this way?@ “Click here”,doctor we are not born this way!God himself is against same sex relationships!It’s even a curse for those people who have turned away from him.So he has left them over to do shameless acts with each other.Why did God have to punish Sodom and Gomorrah for the same acts.Let History form the bible itself teach you.
    Let not the devil deceive you!God loves you and he can change you.Do not let yourselves be destroyed by such shameful and deceptive deeds.Just for lust?

    What society is this?so we don’t condemn shameful acts, and everyone should live the way they want? huh!So the next time someone comes raping your daughter,niece,cousin,sister,mum …….. we shouldn’t condemn them coz “they were born that way”.

    Do not be deceived! Devil is a liar! Resist him! Free from him and turn to God!It doesn’t matter how deep you are in this,God can change you.He loves you! He has given you a chance to repent while you are still alive and can make up your mind!


  62. leviticus 18:22…or 22:18
    God forgive me bt i think there shud b an exception to the throwin the first stone rule…just gross. waeva u gay loserz say, u are disgustingly annoyin, and maybe in need in some kind of brain surgery and yer u fuckin stink. n i will sure cast the first stone, and JANINA..yes esp if it wer my bro or siz or waeva#word…yap.am out!!!.
    fuckd up niggaz…


  63. wtf!!! nigga get a lyf…u r a fucked up guy seeking some cheap publicity…u damned for once…u were looking for those lyk u? wen u made those pics? get a life!! n how come ur sorry wordpress page aint no better than shit…u focussing on sex…coz u r a misplaced, ego seeking kinky!!! tombwa


  64. What if these guys had raped your sister? What if these guys had raped a young boy? They can’t do that because these gays know it is unnatural. But what you see in those pics is an expression of love of neighbour. Is that not what Jesus commanded us? To your your neighbour, and so what wrong have they done. its only God to make the judgement and NOT any human being because they are baised. Those of you reacting against these gays is because yourselves you have some amount of gaism and you afraid of your sexuality.


  65. I believe that these pictures are released out of malice and the question at the bottom of the post is just a formality since by posting these pictures you are not asking what is going on but rather invading the privacy of these individuals. It is evident that they’ve been coerced and hence they are not in contravention of any laws. Live and let live.You don’t see me with a camera in your bedroom capturing the lurid details of your sex life, do you? Extend the same courtesy to these young men.


  66. Sorry to disappoint you sylybanks but that’s all me…fyi i dont mind lezbos, just gay ass men….you jumping in with your not so clever remarks makes you a pathetic dyke….


  67. Gayism in campus isnt news. just like the normal society, campus is unity in diversity, so whats the fuss guys?
    I object that those dudes are in Maseno, cz i was thea n aint ashamed, its liberal world.let them screw their asses, its their choise.
    Whoever took those fotos, shame on u!! If u have a beef with Maseno University, speak out we’l help u.


  68. who the hell a you to judge????God loves us all no matter our diffrences at the same time..being straight doesnt bring you closer to God…Maseno you have nothing to be ashamed of its happening everywhere in our universities…sorry guys hope you will handle the preassure.


  69. WHAT?????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AM GETTING A TRANSFER!!!!!!!!!!


  70. I dont understand why anyone would have a problem with their neighbours sexuality. That is a personal choice and it should be respected.
    1. There are many sins in the world, fornication being one of them, no one points a finger on this, why then should one crucify homosexuality? if it is a sin, then the sinner will deal with their God.
    2. It is a wonder how some of you here are so against ass while the same dudes will still pressure their women for anal sex, whats the difference?
    3. What is gross to you might be someone elses delicacy. Let people be you all homophobes! And yes am from Maseno, and proud of it.


  71. Homophobia is so gay all those insulting them u just fail to accept u r homosexual, style up an stop being silly, kuna lako latombwa?…bitches wacheni za ovyo


  72. And for the homophobic people out there, do you sometimes think that gays and lesbians could be your brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, cousins, boyfriends, girlfriends,…think of that while you are busy posting insults here..since no one walks around with a tag that says what sexual orientation they are.


  73. keep it up maseno university.
    am planning to promote that by suppling you with 15000 boxes of the new lubricated condoms and as well lubricants.
    keep it up and do it safely

    his majest mantully


  74. My ignorant twat(twart)and that’s the away is spelled ,it can smell and lick your clitoris and turn it in yellow colour,,,,oooooooooooh yes am proud lesbian do you have any problem????!!! you ‘twart’


  75. I’ve never understood why str8 guyz go mad about homos. I mean the more the homos the more pu$$y left for us. In fact I’d encourage all guyz to go gay ;-).

    And just for the record; there’s no bearded guy in the sky waiting to throw you into a lake of fire because some woman ate an apple offered by a talking snake.


  76. For your info,fake sheila kwamboka i can rub my pussy to your clitoris not ass,i wont mind checking on your clits and yes am kenyan and prouuuuuuuuuud LESBIAN deal with it…you can go tell all homophobes that but not me u aint going change anyone u can scream scream to the world but your grand,sisters and extended women in your family are homos even you re LESBIAN


  77. ehr, and as 4those quick to quote how Unethical, unbiblical, unafrican n all those Un_freakn_un’s, should b ASHAMED of uaselvs 4tryna apply s*#@!y double standards! LET PEOPLE BE! Ama we just ‘stone’ each otha 2 death!
    Unless there r any virgins remainin.. Or,
    people who turn th otha cheek to b slappd.. Or,
    Women who dont wear trousers n men who dont valia earings etc etc!



  78. its jus so irritatin how y’al HOmOphobes r ignorant n in Total Denial! OPEN YO FREAKN EYES dammit its a free world and as long as whoeva is involvd in gayism/lesbianism is an adult
    in mutual consent, it should b NONE OF UA BUSINES!


  79. What the hell is wrong with Kenyans?!! Last time I checked when my punash is being eaten, only I feel the utamu!!!! Homophobic idiots can all go hang!!!! So what if they’re from Maseno?! So now all these homophobes with the depth of an ashtray feel that gay people should not go to university?!! And who told you stupid homophobes that you would even get a blow job from the gay boys if you were the last hetero human on earth?! Live and let live…you can’t wish us away!! Posting pictures online solely to disparage gay people, chanting that they need to be chomwad is just idiotic and f**ked up!!! Grow up!! Worry about your own boring sex lives!!!NKT!!!


  80. Verbal diarrhoea from a homophobe’s mouth does nothing but encourage men and men, women and women,women and men to live their lives. If you are incapable of loving and all you do is hate on those who love then pole, utapona karibuni!!! He he he he! Get busy doing whatever it is that you do best and let people mind their s***!


  81. This looks like a total set up, to make everyone react in horror! (looking at some of the comments this has been successful to some degree).
    The people are posing, nothing too outrageous, and the person who took the photos was obviously there as a guest, and is therefore implicated, a ‘spy’, and a complete sellout. If the photos have been accessed in some other way? well that is illegal, stealing.
    Either way you want to view it? It just makes this publication look stupid, childish and amateur.
    Maybe you can one day achieve a real story, with actual depth and articulation. I won’t hold my breath.




  83. Why are some of you yelling?whats the problem with posing for a photo,,,and if they were gays whats your problem?they are grown-up they can do what they want just get used to it.homosexuality is here to stay.hata wengine have fake names ati sheila kwamboka,in your dreaams to be her????youre the asshole


  84. @ Humphrey and Sambu89. That unnatural argument is sold and have been countered many times. I even addressed it here (http://bit.ly/psVqim) and here (http://bit.ly/bgJn13) and examined them in more details than I can on this comments section.

    All the issues that most people people against homosexuality raises have logical answers but when we argue logically, it ends with insults.

    I will paraphrase them here because( trust me on this)- majority of the comments to this article will cover them.

    1. Homosexuality is a sin
    2. Homosexuality is unnatural
    3. Homosexuality is illegal
    4. Homosexuality is immoral

    All these are wrong and I have even covered the some dumb and funny one like ‘Homosexuality is disgusting’.

    I enjoy how God and religion gets thrown in when this subject comes up…but that too I have addressed.


    1. LEV 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
      Tell me what this scripture says, Homosexuality is not in Gods plan.Period.


      1. The bible has not talked of sexual orientation at any given point, all the refferrals in the bible that attempt to refer to homosexuality as a sin must always be read in full context of, contextualize them and you will not find any justification to immoralyse it whatsoever. Iam very well a where of the clobber versus that are used they include;

        1. Genesis 19 (Sodom and Gomorah case) You must read the verses before and after and you will discover what was being talked about was immorality of prostitution whatsover the orientation and it had nothing to do with isolated cases. It is possible that the men who committed the acts were even not sexually oriented as homosexuals.

        2. Jude 7( Going after strange flesh) what you need to undertand is that what is natural to straight guys is unnatural to gay person and vice versa.

        3.Leviticus 18:22 and 20: 13 – Do not lie with man as you would lie with women. If you read and put it into context you would discover that the rituals perfomed by the religious cananaites included fertility rights …..where they were temple prostitution including homosexual acts of prostitution. Ishtar or Ashater was a goddess of fertility.

        4 Romans 1:21-28 ( Trading natural relations for untural) In context this verse Paul refers about what this peolple did (not homosexuals)
        -refused to acknowledge and glorify God v21
        – begun worshipping idols v23
        – interested in earthly pursuites than spiritual pursuits v25
        -Gave up their natural ie innate, passion for opposite sex v26-27
        -lived lives full of covetousness, immature , envy, strife, slander, disrespect for parents v29-31)
        You will discover today gays serve the Lord diligently while struggling with their sexual orientation.

        5. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Timothy 1:10- No fairies ”effeminate” persons or gay men the Greek word used was malakoi meaning soft people.

        In the case of Sodom and Gommorah is it possible that an entire city like Nairobi being of one orientation or homosexuals? Think about that ..thats why we need to contextualize and undertand.


        1. Ruth 1: 16-17 and 4:17 – Ruths covenant with Naomi this is a verse we use in our matrimonial pronouncements. Do we Know how they came to being?

        2.1 Samuel 18: 1-4 , I Samuel 20: 30, 41-42, 2 Samuel 1:23, 26-27– These versus extensively narrates the relationship between Jonathan and David and how intimate they grew.

        3. Acts 8 The Ethiopian enunch who by tiodays standards are compared to gay persons was despised and rejected but the bible in this verse tells us that God didn’t reject this person.

        – Matt 8: 5-13, Luke 7: 1-10 Jesus met the Roman centurion and healed his servant who was a enunch.

        Many religious persons are not willing to read theological arguments that extensively contextualize every event and thus creating a deadly disease called Homophobia and transphobia. There is too much unwillingness to progess with reality and this only creates ignorance.

        Behold the love of God that will see more gay persons see heaven than the straight homophobic people.

        Wait until homosexuality comes near the people you love and are close to you then you will develop an interest of uderstanding in depth who they are and why they are like that. Otherwise most of the comments above amount to un informed hate speeches. The young men are just excicing what God created them to be and we need to respect them.

        Read what Science also says about sexual orientation. Even some of our cultural practices silently acknowledges homosexuality rituals. Sexual orientations are not necessarily sexual acts they involve feelings. You might be naturally attracted most of the time to pesons of the same sex, the fact that you have never practiced sex doesn’t mean you are not gay. You have only not discovered yoursel.

        Brothers I urge you to study indept about this subject and at some point you will agree with me that homosexuals are being subjected to unncessary stigma and discrimination.


  85. Me sioni ubaya hapo they did not make their self that way God the creater knows why they r that way so let not discriminate them let love them the way they are and accept them the way they are they were created with the same God who created us the bad thing is when they practice gay sex that the bad thing so they better be gay but should leave according to the word of God.


  86. Some of these comments are quite ignorant.

    1. People are not gay because there is shortage of women or because the women are ugly. And no one really knows why some of us are gay- we just are.
    2. The bill of rights enshrined in our constitution gives these boys the right to be who they are.
    3. These seems to be adults and no one is forcing them to be.

    4. They have broken no laws.

    5. LGBT groups are in all universities AND are not secret. Freedom of association means anyone can join.


    1. ha ha ha ati anyone can join that a lie and is a sin coz gayism is not created neither destroyed so when you are born you just found yourself that side so joining is different things so dont encourage people is group it is not and is only God knows why you are gay so kama wewe ulijoin chunga sana baba


    2. shut up kenyangay….God had NO intentions whatsoever tomake any man GAY. So no.4 is wron….They HAVE broken God’s law………SHAME!!


    1. That won’t work. The martyrs were burnt in UG and they were the seed of faith there. That country is very christian unlike Ky bse Ky doesn’t have martyrs. You will have more come out and be even more coraugeous. Let me ask. Who will live forever here? Who will not die. I think you need to do your home work well.


  87. WTF!!! Some things come out of the factory broken…time we enacted same law as Uganda i.e send all faggots to the hangman..


  88. Wacheni umalaya na tabia za kike kike enyi wanaume. Utamkaliaje mwanamume mwenzako mapajani? Mwasoma ama mwaenda ushoga. Ewe daktari pia wewe nshoga? Eti programed to enjoy dick and ass? Waona nani mpumbavu hapa? Mungu aliwaumba Adam na Hawa not Adam and Steve. If God wanted us to do asses then from creation animals would be gay. Ushoga ni makosa upende usipende


  89. I know one of the guy by name maxi……but he left maseno in 2007.am guessing this photos are as old as 2006.this guys are tainting our university which has taken us places.


  90. Wacha wajipange! I love pussy any day lakini you won’t see me complaining about two grown men invading each others rectums away from my view! Far far away from my view…FAR FAR AWAY…


  91. Kila nyani kwa starehe zake i really support them, if you do not do chics why hides, so shut the fuck up and respect ones choice


  92. I can sema boldly that no such faces have been seen in MASENO before….not in any classrooms, any pubs, churches, hostels…name them: But if they insist of being from MASENO then they are crazy to go all the way to the coast to hold a meeting when there are plenty of meeting places in KISUMU or even CLOSER to Kisumu!!! …Riswa!


  93. Shut up all ya – nobody sends an application letter to the maker to be gay – we are born that way! Am not programmed for pussy! I love as and dick! tits scare me! Period! Never-mind I am a doctor and i never discriminate against anybody coz they are straight!

    Why can’t people mind their own business!?


  94. If it makes you happy, then do it. I went to maseno and no, this story doesn’t make me ashamed of being a student there. people are busy exercising their sexuality, let them be. It surely is none of our business


  95. Surely,this is happening everywhere,I do not support Gay-ism or homosexuality but a question…they have just posed for pictures like any other straight boy/girl in a relationship would do..I do not see any problem with that.

    So,if they had a meeting then someone decided to post their pictures…then…that’s intrusion of privacy. Editor,to quote you ‘the students belonged to a secret gay grouping…

    I stand to be corrected…


  96. When I signed up for this email newsletter, I didn’t realize I would receive homophobic postings. This is the last thing I want to read about – people picking on each other, hating on each other and finding things to fight about. Get over it and let us all live our lives.


    1. Where is hell? What one of these guys was caught raping your sister? What if one of these gay guys was caught raping a minor. Is that what pleases your mind? Let them be who they are and no one even God can remove that from them.


      1. Kizito Do not put GODS NAME in this.Do not question the ability of God in removing or adding anything to a human being beacuse you DO NOT HAVE any spriritual strength to determine his ability nor plans.So withdraw your last staement lest you face the wrath of GOD ALMIGHTY in demeaning him.!!


  97. these day we are liberal and no matter what you do publicity is best way of being popular …they just have a way of getting in to the spotlight ..all the pictures are so directed that you can see they were ready to pose for the pix…so nothing new to this world …


  98. This are end times and we are tired of all this. May the Good Lord forgive us. Let the righteous continues be righteous while the sinner to continue sinning the bible tells me so.




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